Sustaining broadband networks is a “paramount objective” of the Nebraska Universal Service Fund (NUSF) high-cost program, especially with the "influx of federal and state deployment funding," the Nebraska Public Service Commission decided in a Tuesday order. Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday for two orders on state USF changes (docket NUSF-139) and to consider sanctions against Windstream for three separate 911 outages (docket 911-076).
The FCC is seeking comment on NPRMs dealing with updates for letter of credit (LOC) rules, the commission said Wednesday (see 2406060028) in a notice for Monday's Federal Register. The NPRMs include modifying LOC rules for the FCC's USF high-cost programs in rural communities, for Connect America Fund Phase II support recipients, and for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) support recipients. Specifically, the FCC wants comments on changing the rules governing which U.S. banks can issue LOCs and potentially allowing certain RDOF recipients to lower the value of their LOC. Comments are due Aug. 5, replies Aug. 19.
Industry lawyers continue to assess the potentially seismic implications of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and the other Chevron case decided last week (see 2406280043). Yet the after-effects are being seen already. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday directed parties in the net neutrality challenge to file not later than July 8 supplemental briefing material addressing the effect of the Chevron decision “on our analysis” of a motion to stay the order (see 2406280060).
The Affordable Broadband Campaign and WTA asked the FCC to reconsider its decision granting ISPs forbearance from Communications Act Section 254(d), which governs USF contributions. The contribution mechanism isn't "stable or equitable" and the declining revenue base is "hindering the ability of the commission to ensure that universal service is properly evolving," the groups said in a petition filed Monday in docket 23-320. The FCC granted ISPs forbearance in its May order restoring its net neutrality framework and reclassification of broadband as a Title II telecom service (see 2404190043).
Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico petitioned the FCC to waive certain USF reporting requirements for Q2. Liberty sought a waiver of the pretesting performance measurement, performance measures model system reporting requirements, and rules related to withholding disbursements. The company has "encountered numerous technical problems" with the performance measures module system "for multiple months," said its petition posted Friday in docket 18-143. Liberty also said it lacks enough time to deploy equipment to sampled subscribers and complete testing by June 30.
Supporters of the FCC's expired affordable connectivity program acknowledge the Senate Commerce Committee’s impasse (see 2406180067) on the Spectrum and National Security Act (S-4207) may spur a reexamination of alternatives for addressing broadband pricing. This realization comes amid weakening odds that Congress can address ACP funding via a broader package aimed at restoring the FCC's lapsed airwaves sales authority. Lawmakers continue insisting a legislative solution is possible this year even though Senate Commerce’s cancellation of its planned Tuesday markup of S-4207 (see 2406170066) was its fourth pulling of the measure since early May. Other stakeholders are urging a shift to emphasizing nonlegislative solutions.
The FCC asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to dismiss Consumers' Research's challenge of the agency's USF contributions methodology. Consumers' Research "made the same arguments before the Sixth and Eleventh Circuits," the agency said in a petition filed Monday (docket 22-60008), adding the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the decisions (see 2406110008). "Those decisions are thus final and not subject to further review," the FCC said, and "petitioners are precluded from raising the same claims here." Also, Consumers' Research filed a motion for the D.C. Circuit for a voluntary dismissal regarding one of its challenges to the USF contribution factor.
State lawmakers may be more inclined to pursue broadband affordability policies in the wake of recent FCC and court rulings as well as last month's ending of the federal affordable connectivity program (ACP), multiple telecom experts said last week. Connecticut Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D) told Communications Daily he hopes “these developments will lead to stronger support in 2025” for an affordable broadband proposal that failed this year. However, some anticipate ISPs will likely object, and fiscal constraints could limit states' efforts.
The House Appropriations Committee continued debating Thursday afternoon the Financial Services Subcommittee’s FY 2025 funding bill, which increases the FCC’s annual allocation to $416 million and decreases the FTC’s annual funding to $388.7 million (see 2406050067). Communications policy lobbyists said panel Democrats might attempt removing riders from the measure that bar the FCC from using funding for implementing its net neutrality and digital discrimination orders, but they hadn’t sought votes on such amendments at our deadline.
The USF contribution factor for Q3 2024 will be 34.4%, an FCC Office of Managing Director public notice said Wednesday in docket 96-45. That's an increase from 32.8% in Q2 (see 2403150004).