Dish Wireless wanted to do something unprecedented: design, build and deploy the world’s “first of its kind 5G network” in only three years using the public cloud, Eben Albertyn, Dish Wireless executive vice president-chief technology officer, said during an RCR virtual conference Thursday. Several experts mentioned the growing security and other challenges facing carriers in a virtualized-network world.
A draft order on circulation that would update the FCC’s foreign-sponsored content rules in response to a July 2022 U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruling against the agency could be interpreted to require that entities buying political issue ads must first show broadcasters they aren’t foreign agents, broadcast and FCC officials told us. That language could change before the item is approved, although when it will be voted on is unclear, FCC and industry officials said. The draft item “just creates more questions,” said Gray Television Senior Vice President Robert Folliard.
The FCC is moving toward requiring georouting of mobile calls made to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, with Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel's office Thursday circulating on the 10th floor a draft NPRM proposing a georouting rule. Mental health interests applauded the move. "This is something we've been pushing for pretty much since the law that created 988 passed" in 2020, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Chief Advocacy Officer Hannah Wesolowski told us. The text of the draft NPRM wasn't released.
The U.S. was premature in creating a supplemental coverage from space (SCS) rules framework, and other nations ought to wait until after the 2027 World Radiocommunication Conference, when there's a more globalized framework to follow, said Mindel de la Torre, Omnispace chief regulatory and international strategy officer, Thursday at Access Intelligence’s Satellite 2024 conference in Washington. Multiple 2023 WRC attendees said there was far greater focus on future agenda items than at past WRCs.
Senate Commerce Committee Democrats and Republicans who back allocating an additional $3.08 billion for the FCC’s Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program and stopgap funding for the commission’s ailing affordable connectivity program used a Thursday spectrum-focused hearing (see 2403210063) to vent about the Hill's failure thus far to address either priority. The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act FY 2024 minibus spending bill, which congressional leaders released early Thursday morning as an amendment to legislative vehicle HR-2882, as expected (see 2403190062) includes neither ACP nor rip-and-replace funding.
Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., told us Thursday she hopes to soon file legislation on a five-year renewal of the FCC’s lapsed spectrum auction authority without language authorizing sales of specific bands, despite Republican criticism during a Thursday hearing about omitting an airwaves pipeline. Senate Commerce ranking member Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Communications Subcommittee ranking member John Thune, R-S.D., emphasized their 2024 Spectrum Pipeline Act (S-3909) as an antidote to concerns about the Biden spectrum strategy, as expected (see 2403200001). The hearing also revealed clear divisions among panel Republicans about continuing to explore 5G use of the 3.1-3.45 GHz band, which has drawn opposition from DOD and top Capitol Hill allies (see 2403200061).
The House on Wednesday unanimously approved TikTok-related legislation that would ban data brokers from transferring “sensitive” U.S. information to “foreign adversaries” such as China. Meanwhile, the Senate Commerce Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee are planning a joint hearing about their legislative options.
Trade groups critical of the FCC’s digital discrimination order disagreed Wednesday with members of its Communications Equity and Diversity Council about the order’s breadth. The order “covers every aspect” of an ISP’s service and could lead to companies slowing the rollout of service in some communities to avoid the appearance of discrimination, said Diana Eisner, USTelecom vice president-policy and advocacy, at an FCBA CLE. “Given the scope of the problem,” it was appropriate for the FCC to create a rule that could tackle multiple forms of discrimination, said Leo Fitzpatrick, policy analyst at The Utility Reform Network and a former CEDC member.
A Thursday Senate Commerce Committee hearing is likely to highlight stark differences between panel leaders’ competing proposals for a spectrum legislative package, including whether it should mandate sales of specific bands before NTIA completes studies of those frequencies in keeping with the Biden administration’s national spectrum strategy (see 2403120006). Lawmakers’ apparent failure to reach a deal allocating additional money for the FCC’s affordable connectivity program and Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program (see 2403190062) as part of a FY 2024 still-unreleased “minibus” spending package also ratchets up the pressure for a spectrum bill to use future auction revenue to pay for multiple telecom priorities, officials and lobbyists told us.
Converged terrestrial and satellite connectivity is a given, but the path is strewn with unknowns and sizable technological and business stumbling blocks, according to satellite operator CEOs. For example, satellite operators must start thinking and acting like mobile network operators, creating an ecosystem that allows seamless roaming among them, Viasat CEO Mark Dankberg said during Access Intelligence’s Satellite 2024 conference in Washington Wednesday. Separately, space sustainability advocates urged a mission authorization regulatory framework and universal use of design features such as docking plates enabling on-orbit serving or towing. Meanwhile, conference organizers said event attendance reached 14,000.