Proposed FCC supplemental coverage from space (SCS) rules include a requirement that terrestrial providers must route SCS 911 calls to a public safety answering point using location-based routing or an emergency call center, the agency said Wednesday. Commissioners are expected to vote on the rules during their open meeting on March 14. Announcing the agenda for next month's meeting, the FCC also said there would be draft rules for "all-in" video pricing and a voluntary cybersecurity labeling program for wireless IoT devices. In addition, the meeting will see commissioners voting on an NPRM about creating an emergency alert system code for missing and endangered people (see 2402210066).
Expect a lengthy fight among satellite operators over equivalent power flux density (EPFD) limits at the FCC and during preparations for the 2027 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-27), satellite experts and insiders tell us. Some see the issue emerging at ITU Working Party 4A meetings in May -- 4A is concerned with satellite spectrum efficiency and interference. Non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) advocates of an EPFD change face a challenging road getting EPFD rules changes made at WRC-27, though changes are possible, we're told.
Russia's developing anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities, even if they violate the Outer Space Treaty (OST), are unlikely to lead other space-faring nations to abandon the agreement, space policy experts tell us. OST has "shown it has good bones" in past instances of countries being bad actors in space, said Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation chief director. Russia's ASAT effort could help the U.S. gather support for a global voluntary ban on destructive ASAT testing, Michelle Hanlon, executive director-Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi, wrote in an email. The White House said last week Russia is developing an ASAT capability. It called that work "a national security threat" and "troubling" but provided scant details.
NOAA'S Office of Space Commerce (OSC) expects it will have some form of a civil and commercial space situational awareness (SSA) service available by year's end, according to OSC Director Richard DalBello. DOD is in the midst of a phased handover of civil and commercial SSA oversight to OSC, stemming from the White House's 2018 space policy directive on space traffic management (see 21806180028). Designed to be slow and deliberate, that transition will be complete within five years, DalBello said Wednesday in a Washington Space Business Roundtable talk.
The FCC's space regulatory regime is arguably due for a massive overhaul, space policy experts said Monday at a pair of Tech Policy Institute space events. SpaceX Vice President-Satellite Policy David Goldman said a coming wave of state-backed mega-constellation competitors will have resources that U.S. operators lack, and the U.S. must consider redoing its rules in response to that environment. FCC Space Bureau Chief Technologist Whitney Lohmeyer didn't address the idea directly. Christopher Yoo, University of Pennsylvania Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science, said the Space Bureau might lack the technical expertise to tackle issues like orbital debris.
The in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing draft NPRM on the FCC's February agenda would set an overall ISAM licensing framework, but just as important is the NPRM's very existence, space experts tell us. “It's the arrival of ISAM as a serious part of the space economy," said Stephen Ganote, head of the space team at management consultancy Oliver Wyman. A 5-0 approval is likely, space experts say.
Space operators see themselves facing emerging policy hurdles around the globe that could impede satellite spectrum sharing and satellite mesh networks. At the SmallSat Symposium in Silicon Valley Thursday, there also was discussion about the growing challenges of an increasingly noisy and crowded low earth orbit (LEO) environment and talk of the need for a global approach to space sustainability.
Satellite operators continue having diverse views on using shot clocks to hasten earth station and satellite application reviews, according to docket 22-411 reply comments this week. In September, commissioners on a 4-0 vote adopted a Further NPRM on streamlining satellite and earth station applications (see 2309210055). There was a lack of consensus about shot clocks in initial comments last month (see 2401090051).
Don't expect supplemental coverage from space to ever provide terrestrial broadband-like service -- there's not a strong business case, multiple operators said Wednesday at the SmallSat Symposium in Silicon Valley. Several questioned the economics of a robust SCS service with a thick data pipeline.
Expect continuing friction at the 2027 World Radiocommunication Conference and the WRC-31 between geostationary and non-geostationary orbit satellite operators over interference protections, River Advisors CEO Katherine Gizinski said. She and other panelists Tuesday at the SmallSat Symposium in Silicon Valley said those equivalent power flux density (EPFD) protection items were a hot-button issue at WRC-23. The FCC has seen constellation operators post-WRC-27 joust over EPFD limits (see 2401300032). Several panelists also discussed the changing availability of financing that helped launch numerous space startups in the past nine years.