NTCA asked FCC Wireline Bureau staff to reconsider the affordable connectivity program's non-usage rules or grant additional time for companies serving tribal consumers, said an ex parte posted Wednesday in docket 21-450 (see 2204150057). Some of the group's smaller members "will have substantial difficulty with" the rules, Vice President-Federal Regulatory Brian Ford told staff, noting at least one member company serving customers on tribal lands with fully subsidized plans would need to use an automated process for tracking usage because doing so manually "would be nearly impossible." Tribal areas "pose unique challenges," Ford said, and it's "important to reconcile reasonably the prospect of a new program intended to increase broadband adoption in these areas and a non-usage provision that applied too strictly could undermine the success of these efforts."
Public Knowledge urged the FCC to create a USF device voucher program and modify the Lifeline program to be a successor to the affordable connectivity program, in a call with an aide to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “The lack of a device is one of the biggest barriers to connectivity -- and those impacted are primarily low-income or marginalized,” said a filing posted Friday in docket 21-476. “Over half of low-income Lifeline households don't own a computer or tablet. Many more may share just one device amongst a whole household, forcing families to make difficult choices about who can connect at any given time.”
The FCC Wireline Bureau released a set of best practices for domestic Communications Act Section 214 applicants seeking approval for transactions including a transfer of USF high-cost obligations, per a public notice Tuesday. The bureau "has recently received higher volumes" of such applications, it said, and recommended applicants include certain information to "expedite the timely acceptance ... and minimize the need for supplemental filings." Such information includes a list of all USF high cost support received that would be transferred, information about whether any entities are eligible telecom carriers, how a transfer may affect an entity's Connect America Fund Phase II or Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support, cost study areas to be transferred, and whether any entities currently participating in Lifeline, the emergency broadband benefit program, or affordable connectivity program would continue to do so.
Industry and consumer advocacy organizations urged the FCC to leverage local governments and nonprofit organizations in its outreach efforts to boost enrollment in the affordable connectivity program (see 2203170048). The FCC received reply comments Friday in docket 21-450 on how the agency should design its outreach grant program and pilot program to boost enrollment for households receiving federal public housing assistance.
"Concrete actions" the agency is taking to ensure "people across the country can count on and obtain access to the modern communications they need," pursuant to President Joe Biden's January 2021 Executive Order encouraging agencies to advance "racial equity and support for underserved communities," were touted by the agency in an equity action plan Thursday. The FCC "did something truly historic" in establishing the emergency broadband benefit and affordable connectivity programs, the plan said. The agency said the Emergency Connectivity Fund has "helped over 12 million students across the nation" and is working to "create, for the first time, a publicly accessible, data-base driven nationwide map" of broadband availability. The FCC also said it's developing rules to combat digital discrimination, as directed by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Wireless carriers balked at a California Public Utilities Commission staff plan to restrict subscribers from combining state low-income support with federal affordable connectivity program (ACP) benefits for mobile plans. The CPUC received comments Thursday in docket R.20-02-008 on interaction among California LifeLine, federal Lifeline and ACP. The plan “is inconsistent with and preempted by applicable federal law, violates California law governing the state’s LifeLine program, and ignores relevant facts regarding subscribers’ wireless data needs,” said the National Lifeline Association.
The FCC Wireline Bureau granted limited waivers of the affordable connectivity program's non-usage rules and a requirement that participating providers apply the monthly benefit to all plans, said an order Friday in docket 21-450. The bureau denied several requests to extend the “all plans requirement” to all participating providers. Providers were required to comply with these rules by Friday (see 2202110055).
Digital equity advocates and lawmakers want bigger efforts to bridge the digital divide, they said Tuesday. Some at the Hispanic Technology & Telecommunications Partnership’s virtual digital inclusion summit said digital discrimination is a top priority. Others encouraged local leaders to promote the FCC’s affordable connectivity program.
NCTA backed the Competitive Carriers Association’s request to extend the April 15 deadline for affordable connectivity program providers to apply the benefit to all available plans, in comments posted Monday in docket 21-450 (see 2204010040). Billing and ordering systems for prepaid products "present unique operational challenges," it said, noting participating providers "must ensure that the system modifications necessary to apply the ACP benefit must be coordinated among multiple systems." The group said its members have found “even routine system changes can take months to implement and there are operational complexities associated with applying the benefit to some currently available service offerings.”
Cogeco's Breezeline unveiled its Internet Assist Plus package aimed at subscribers eligible under the FCC's affordable connectivity program (ACP). It said IAP provides service of up to 100 Mbps and an ACP discount of up to $30 a month for broadband service, or up to $75 a month on qualifying tribal lands.