The November elections and other factors probably will slow Hill action on recommendations in the National Broadband Plan, said industry observers. The plan asks Congress for help in a number of key areas. Public safety and Universal Service Fund legislation may have the best chance for near-term action, but neither is a sure bet, they said. It seems particularly tough to move much on the broadband plan this year in the Senate, which right now “can’t agree that the sky is blue,” said a telecom industry lobbyist.
Helping senior citizens recognize the Internet’s relevance to daily life is key in encouraging them to adopt broadband, representatives from groups for aging adults said Tuesday during a news conference. Consumer Action, Older Adults Technology Services and others formed Project Goal to promote broadband adoption to older adults. While 65 percent of Americans have adopted broadband, only about 35 percent of those over 65 have, said Blair Levin, executive director of the FCC Omnibus Broadband Initiative. The National Broadband Plan recommendations targeting under-adopted communities, including seniors, are just part of the effort, he said. “If the federal government tries to tackle barriers to adoption alone it will fail,” and it must “draw upon the power of community groups, private companies and government."
Potential rule changes in the wireless communications service band meant to open up new spectrum for broadband services still have several flaws, say Sirius XM and the WCS Coalition, reacting to a rulemaking notice issued Friday. Further disagreement over the rules was expected by the FCC Office of Engineering, International Bureau, and Wireless Bureau, which acknowledge in the public notice “the draft rules do not adopt any party’s proposal in full” but say the rules “take a fair and balanced approach” to facilitating broadband use in the largely unused spectrum.
The FCC’s April 21 meeting will start the agency on the long road to implementing the National Broadband Plan. The FCC will take up items touching on the future of the Universal Service Fund, data roaming, an area discussed by the plan, and two media items on network-gateways and CableCARD rules, also in the plan (CD April 1 p4), officials said. Dozens of other plan-related items await commissioner attention. Industry and FCC officials expect an active year as the agency moves forward on implementing the plan.
Two draft items to be voted on at the FCC’s April 21 meeting would take different approaches to making it easier for pay-TV subscribers to use devices not supplied directly from those companies to get video, Web and other content, numerous commission and industry officials said. A CableCARD rulemaking notice for all cable operators, with a partial exemption for small systems, deals with ways subscribers can use CableCARDs with plug-and-play devices, the officials said. An inquiry on all-video devices would have cable, satellite and telco-TV providers offer small, inexpensive devices so subscribers could connect to their networks using third-party gear, they said. The devices would contain the proprietary information to connect to the network of a particular provider, they said.
Verizon’s FiOS set-tops are 3D-ready, and the telco plans to offer service through its fiber network later this year. But getting 3D programming from competitors that develop and distribute content remains an issue, Verizon said, saying “integrated operators should not withhold programming options from the marketplace."
A Global NAPS petition for a declaratory ruling regarding tariff treatment of VoIP traffic drew comments mostly supporting denial, but others, like the Voice on the Net Coalition, want the petition granted. Global asked the FCC to clarify that state commissions can’t subject VoIP traffic to intrastate tariffs, and that if a carrier’s traffic is nomadic VoIP, the remainder of its traffic should be treated as interstate. Large and rural-size carriers and several telecom associations opposed Global’s claims that carriers forwarding VoIP traffic shouldn’t be subject to interstate or intrastate access charges.
With retransmission consent established for many network-affiliated TV stations, some industry officials agree fee-collecting stations arguably have a financial disincentive to invest in their terrestrial signal because they would want as many viewers as possible on pay-TV platforms that pay them monthly fees. Over-the-air viewers generate no similar fees and an unreliable over-the-air signal could drive them to pay-TV. But stations have political and other financial incentives to provide high-quality DTV signals to homes in their markets, executives said. “They are definitely getting a significant fee from their retrans agreements, but it’s not the majority of their income,” said President Richard Schneider of Antennas Direct. “They still very much want to service their over-the-air viewers as well and they're not at all interested in sabotaging it."
Some analysts warned that Apple’s iPad may strain AT&T’s network, but a carrier spokesman said it’s ready. A Wi-Fi-only was to be released Saturday in all Apple stores and most Best Buy stores, to be followed next month by a version that can also use 3G. Meanwhile, media companies are rushing to deliver iPad applications.
Prospects for passage of legislation requiring terrestrial radio stations to pay a royalty to performers for the music they broadcast seem little changed after the administration backed it (CD April 2 p10), said six broadcast industry officials we surveyed. Music label representatives said they're hopeful that the Performance Royalty Act (H-848 and S-379) will pass this Congress or that their industry and broadcasters will agree on a framework for royalties. Discussions have taken place between industry representatives, said people from both businesses. The Commerce Department Thursday offered “strong” support for performance royalties and said the Office of Management and Budget didn’t object to that view as reflecting the administration of President Barack Obama’s “program."