The FCC’s Communications Equity and Diversity Council (CEDC) will hold its second meeting under its current charter Aug. 13, according to a public notice Tuesday. The agenda for the meeting will include “introducing CEDC working group chairs, discussing working group plans going forward, and receiving information from the FCC’s Office of Communications Business Opportunities and Wireline Competition Bureau,” the PN said.
Microsoft withdrew its 2021 petition for reconsideration of an FCC order relaxing interference rules for distributed transmission systems, a request for dismissal posted Tuesday in docket 20-74 said. The DTS order was intended to help broadcasters using ATSC 3.0 craft single frequency networks. However, Microsoft had argued it would lead to disruption for unlicensed devices using the TV white spaces (see 2105240067). “Microsoft is no longer pursuing or advocating for the matters raised in the Petition,” the request for dismissal said. “Accordingly, the Petition for Reconsideration is no longer needed or of concern to Microsoft and may be dismissed.” The previous FCC approved the DTS order 3-2, with current FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel -- then a commissioner-- and Commissioner Geoffrey Starks dissenting.
The FCC Office of International Affairs on Tuesday sought comment on draft recommendations for the 2027 World Radiocommunication Conference. The FCC's WRC Advisory Committee approved the draft recommendations Monday (see 2408050034). Comments are due Aug. 20 in docket 24-30. Among the preliminary views approved Tuesday were recommendations for studies on sharing and compatibility and the use of international mobile telecommunications in the 4, 7/8 and 15 GHz bands and changes to radio regulations in support of aeronautical mobile high frequency operations, as well as various satellite items.
The FCC said Monday it plans to recharter its Consumer Advisory Committee for two years and is seeking nominations for membership. A renewed charter will become effective on or before Oct. 13, the notice said. Nominations are due Sept. 6. The current CAC is focused on AI and met last in June (see 2406260041).
Maurine and Matthew Molak, who sued the FCC for its decision authorizing funding of Wi-Fi on school buses (see 2406260006), filed a petition at the agency seeking reconsideration of last month’s 3-2 order allowing schools and libraries to use E-rate support for off-premises Wi-Fi hot spots and wireless internet services (see 2407180024). Pleading cycle deadlines will come in a Federal Register notice, a Friday notice from the FCC said. “Petitioners urge the FCC to reconsider and rescind the Report and Order because it is contrary to law,” the petition said. The Molaks argue that the Telecom Act didn’t provide the FCC authority to use the E-rate program to pay for internet service and connections, “such as the Wi-Fi service and equipment at issue.” An agency “cannot exercise authority it does not have,” the petition argued: “If the FCC wishes to move forward with this proposal, it must first obtain proper authority from Congress.” The Molaks, whose 16-year-old son died by suicide after he was cyberbullied, argued that the school bus ruling would give children and teenagers unsupervised social media access. That case is before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Meanwhile, Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition Executive Director John Windhausen told us the group is mostly pleased with the Wi-Fi order and Further NPRM that the FCC posted last week. Windhausen saw no big surprises. “We're glad the FCC clarified a few issues and teed up additional questions in the further notice,” he said. SHLB's webinar on Wednesday “showed that there is a high level of interest in this new initiative, so we're excited to see how schools and libraries use this opportunity,” he said. SHLB plans additional webinars to answer questions about the program. Several changes were made between the draft and final version of the item, based on our side-by-side comparison. One question before the vote was whether the item would be tweaked to address fixed wireless access and partnerships with nontraditional providers (see 2406270068). The order clarifies that Wi-Fi hot spots “must be for use with a commercially available mobile wireless Internet service, rather than for use with [citizens broadband radio service] or other private network services.” The FNPRM adds language, as sought by Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, on cybersecurity issues. The final order includes a new paragraph on cybersecurity risk management. “Recognizing the critical needs of schools and libraries to protect their broadband networks and sensitive student, school staff, and library patron data, we seek comment on how to ensure that using E-Rate support for Wi-Fi hotspots does not introduce additional vulnerabilities or risks to cyberattacks,” the FNPRM says: “Specifically, we seek comment on whether service providers … should be required to implement cybersecurity and supply chain risk management plans.”
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel touted the FCC’s upcoming vote on a proposed Missing and Endangered Persons alert code (see 2407160064). “One week from now, the FCC will vote to make it easier to use television, radio, and wireless phones to sound the alarm about missing and endangered persons,” Rosenworcel said Wednesday at a Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations event in Prior Lake, Minnesota. “The action the FCC is taking next week is in direct response to a call sent out by Native communities after enduring a crisis of the missing for far too long.” Rosenworcel said the agency had received “powerful testimony” that “provided a voice for the murdered and missing.”
Q2 of this year saw the C-band Relocation Payment Clearinghouse receive another $59 million in claims, the clearinghouse said Thursday in docket 18-122. It said cumulatively it has received 4,507 claims for $3.58 billion -- the vast majority from satellite operators. Of those claims, 2,837 -- with a value of $2.9 billion -- were reviewed and invoiced to the C-band overlay licensees, the clearinghouse said. A total of $287.2 million in claims were approved in Q2. As of Q2, 97% of lump sum reimbursement claims were approved.
NTIA expects it will finish reviewing most initial plans for the broadband equity, access and deployment (BEAD) program next month, NTIA Administrator Alan Davidson said on a conference call with Vermont broadband officials Thursday. Montana, Oklahoma and Vermont may access more than $1.6 billion combined from the $42.5 billion BEAD program, NTIA said earlier in the day. The federal agency approved volume 2 of each state’s initial plan. NTIA allocated about $628 million to Montana, $797 million to Oklahoma and $228 million to Vermont. NTIA has approved entire initial plans for half the 50 states, plus three territories and the District of Columbia. The pace of approvals has quickened lately, with NTIA clearing six plans last week (see 2407260035). Davidson noted an “increased cadence” of approvals, with the agency signing off on three or four plans each week. The NTIA administrator expects that pace will continue through the summer. While expecting the “bulk” of reviews to be done by September, Davidson said there might be “a few small stragglers.” Vermont is “very excited to move from planning to action,” said Christine Hallquist, Vermont Community Broadband Board executive director, on the same call. Vermont expects it will collect bids this fall and winter and hopes to start releasing funds in Q3 2025, Alexei Monsarrat, said a rural broadband technical assistant specialist with Vermont.
The FCC’s Technological Advisory Council will meet Aug. 29 at FCC headquarters, a Friday notice in the Federal Register said. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. TAC last met June 21.
The White House's Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force issued recommendations and best practices for youths' social media and online platform use Monday. Recommendations in the 130-page report include making youth privacy protections the default, limiting "likes" and social comparison features for youths by default, and making age-appropriate parental control tools easy to understand and use. Its recommendations for parents and caregivers include building "a family media plan [to] create an agreement across all members of a family or household about media use." NTIA and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration co-headed the task force.