FCC denied petition by Operator Communications (Oncor) for forbearance of rule requiring that contributions to federal universal service fund be based on carrier revenue from prior year. Oncor contended that basing contributions on prior-year revenue harmed carriers with declining revenue. It asked FCC to forbear from assessing revenues for years 1998-2000 and then reassess contribution based on actual revenue for those years. Commission said requested action would give unfair advantage to carriers with declining revenue. FCC Comr. Furchtgott-Roth issued statement agreeing with FCC’s denial but emphasizing that problem raised by Oncor was serious: “Because carriers contribute to the universal service fund based on the prior year’s revenues, those carriers whose revenues have declined find themselves paying a higher percentage of their current revenues… than do carriers with stable or increasing revenues.” He said end-user surcharges could be “promising solution.”
Federal Universal Service Fund
The FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF) was created by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to fund programs designed to provide universal telecommunications access to all U.S. citizens. All telecommunications providers are required to contribute a percentage of their end-user revenues to the Fund, which the FCC allocates for four core programs: 1. Connect America Fund, which subsidizes telecom providers for the increased costs of offering services to customers in rural and remote areas 2. Lifeline, which directly subsidizes low-income households to help pay for the cost of phone and internet service 3. Rural Health Care, which subsidizes health care providers to offer broadband telehealth services that can connect rural patients and providers with specialists located farther away 4. E-Rate, which subsidizes rural and low-income schools and libraries for internet and telecommunications costs The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) administers the USF on behalf of the FCC, but requires Congressional approval for its actions. Many states also operate their own universal service funds, which operate independently from the federal program.
Search Primer
Term list: Separate terms with spaces, not commas or semicolons.
Multi-word term: Place inside quotes to ensure an exact match (e.g. "China import").
Acronyms: Use all capital letters to ensure the search is not looking for that letter sequence instead.
Required term: If a term must be included in any resulting articles, prefix it with a plus sign (e.g., +CBP).
Excluded term: If a term should be excluded from any articles being found, prefix it with a minus sign (e.g., -ruling).
Singular form: Always use the singular form when doing multi-word terms (e.g. "russian export control" instead of "russian export controls").
Shortest word form: When you have different word forms in a quoted (multi-word) term, you want to only include the shortest version if it is the last part of the expression (e.g., "entity list" instead of "entity listing" or "entity listed").