Fiber and wireless proponents faced off in comments this week on a California Public Utilities Commission rulemaking to develop state rules for distributing dollars from NTIA’s broadband, equity, access and deployment (BEAD) program (docket R.23-02-016). They disagreed on how high California should set its Extremely High Cost Per Location Threshold (EHCT), which will be used to determine what areas can get non-fiber broadband service. Commenters also debated how much the CPUC should add to requirements from the BEAD notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) and how much the state agency should rely on the FCC’s national map to determine what areas are served.
Top Republicans on the House and Senate Communications subcommittees told us their recent broadband oversight moves weren't unfairly partisan and they seek a more critical assessment of the Biden administration’s implementation of connectivity programs from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and COVID-19 aid measures to prevent appropriations misuse. The subpanels' top Democrats and other stakeholders told us they’re not particularly concerned so far about the tone of GOP queries but are continuing to monitor how they compare with Congress’ past oversight of the controversial Broadband Technology Opportunities Program and other initiatives.
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel traveled to Boston Wednesday to promote the affordable connectivity program with Mayor Michelle Wu (D), the agency said in a Friday news release. "The response to this program demonstrates that an internet connection is vital for success in today’s world, but there are still more families we can reach,” Rosenworcel said. Wu said more than 34,000 households in Boston have enrolled in the program. Massachusetts is expected to receive $550,000 in ACP grant funding through the national competitive outreach program, the FCC said.
Industry and advocacy organizations sought time and flexibility to comply with new rules for the FCC's implementation of the Safe Connections Act and improving access to communications services for survivors of domestic violence. Comments on the NPRM posted Thursday in docket 22-238 showed broad support for the commission's proposals and sought minor clarifications (see 2303130007).
An FCC order directing the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to issue an additional notice of funding opportunity for the affordable connectivity program's national competitive outreach grant and the tribal competitive outreach grant programs is effective Tuesday, said a notice for that day's Federal Register. The commission made up to $10 million available to be spent equally by each grant program (see 2303150058).
The FCC Wireline Bureau selected two more entities for the affordable connectivity program's Your Home, Your Internet Pilot and ACP Navigator Pilot programs Thursday. Baltimore County Public Library and Florida Atlantic University were selected to participate and will do so without grant funding, said a public notice in docket 21-450. A total of 34 entities were selected to participate in the two pilot programs (see 2303150058).
Consumer advocates and local broadband officials emphasized the need for states to engage community stakeholders as they prepare their digital equity plans funded by the Digital Equity Act, during a Broadband Breakfast webinar Wednesday (see 2211020082). Some urged additional funding for the FCC's affordable connectivity program to ensure low-income households can adopt broadband once NTIA's grant programs are implemented.
More than 17 million households have enrolled in the FCC's affordable connectivity program to date, the agency announced Monday. The FCC partnered with the U.S. Digital Service to develop "a series of enhancements to the online consumer application system," said a news release. Among the changes included "providing clear instructions, to decrease steps and to simplify language while continuing to protect against waste, fraud and abuse and guarding the integrity of the program." The rollout is "part of our ongoing work to improve the consumer experience with the program," said Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. U.S. Digital Service Deputy Administrator Cori Zarek said the changes will "streamline the process" to ensure "as little friction as possible" during the application process. The enhancements were "developed in consultation with digital navigators, digital equity advocates, and [ISPs]."
FCC regulations on broadcasting, telephony and accessibility will “become increasingly hollow shells of themselves” unless Congress decides to what degree the FCC should “move into the app ecosystem,” said Commissioner Nathan Simington at this week’s Free State Foundation Conference. Panelists at the event, including Commissioner Brendan Carr, also discussed broadband deployment and definitions, and the agency’s spectrum authority. The FCC “isn’t currently regulating the edge space, but that doesn’t have to last forever,” Simington said.
The FCC Wireline Bureau released draft guidance Monday on the type of data to be collected for the affordable connectivity program's data collection. Comments on the proposed information collection are due May 15 in docket 21-450, said a public notice.