Coalition Seeks FCC Action on 12 GHz
The 5Gfor12GHz Coalition urged the FCC to open the 12 GHz band for 5G before action by Congress allocating money for broadband deployment. The record “confirms broad support for opening up the band for terrestrial 5G without the need for…
a re-auction,” said a Thursday filing in docket 20-443. “As this legislation moves through Congress, it is imperative that the Commission readies its spectrum resources and network positioning to quickly turn these allocated funds into real, accessible, and high-speed Internet connections for unserved and underserved Americans -- especially those in rural and urban areas,” the group said. The band offers 500 MHz of “contiguous spectrum ideal for accelerating the 5G mobile and wireless networks, improving opportunistic access to spectrum, and strengthening the capacity of Wi-Fi and other unlicensed services,” they said.