CEA and the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) reacted positively Wednesday to the disclosure that the Federal Aviation Administration is working with several industries to expedite allowing limited commercial operation of drones before federal rules are in place (CD May 14 p17). The associations teamed up in March to write the FAA a letter urging the “expedited consideration and approval” of a long-delayed rulemaking regulating the safe use of small commercial drones in U.S. airspace (CD March 28 p16). AIA views the disclosure that the FAA will expedite limited commercial unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations as “a positive development,” Ali Bahrami, AIA vice president-civil aviation, told us by email. “The market potential for commercial operations is huge, and this constitutes a good first step. That said, a permanent final rule regulating small UAS is a critical requirement for safe commercial operations, and we look forward to the FAA publishing the proposed small UAS rule as scheduled, in November of this year.” Much like the rest of the aviation industry, AIA members “have been anxiously waiting for the release of the proposed rule and been urging the FAA to expedite the rulemaking,” Bahrami said. The joint letter that AIA and CEA sent the FAA in March “was not the only communication with the FAA,” he said. “In fact we are in constant communication with FAA staff and feel that our concerns regarding the delayed rulemaking have been taken into consideration.” At CEA, “we commend the FAA for its commitment to work with industry to allow limited commercial use of drones,” President Gary Shapiro said in a separate email. “This is an important first step to allow productive drone use to transform industries and create jobs. As the most innovative country in the world, we should be a leader not a laggard in adopting new technology. We look forward to working with the FAA to create clear rules and a clear policy framework that unleash the explosive innovation this promising technology will bring.”
Sprint supports Comptel’s call for a “managerial framework” for future FCC action on last-mile access, copper retirement and IP interconnection as the IP transition moves forward, the carrier said in a filing at the FCC. “As Sprint has said repeatedly in its comments in various pending proceedings, the IP transition is going forward despite reluctance by some that have vested interests in delaying the inevitable in efforts to preserve legacy revenues and enhance their market power,” Sprint said (http://bit.ly/QFAzD5). “The IP transition has been led by competitive carriers that have already deployed IP networks and seek now merely to retain what has been taken for granted since the passage of the ‘96 Act, namely interconnection rights and access to last-mile facilities owned by the incumbents at reasonable rates, terms and conditions."
The FCC has all the authority it needs under the law to limit bidding by the largest carriers in the TV incentive auction, Competitive Carriers Association President Steve Berry said Tuesday in a blog post (http://bit.ly/1opg8J6). “The stakes are high, so high that AT&T and Verizon are now questioning the FCC’s authority to adopt its auction proposal,” Berry said. “Fortunately for consumers, the Commission has the authority and an established record necessary to move forward."
The Federal Aviation Administration indicated it’s working with several industries to expedite limited commercial operation of drones before federal rules are in place, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) said in a news release. The group said FAA Manager of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Jim Williams offered that insight Tuesday at AUVSI’s conference in Orlando. “UAS have a host of societal and economic benefits, and many industries are clamoring to harness their capabilities,” said AUVSI President Michael Toscano. “Limited commercial operations is a good first step, but we also need to begin the small UAS rulemaking immediately.” Williams said the FAA is expected to allow limited commercial operations for filmmaking, powerline inspection, precision agriculture and flare stack inspection, AUVSI said. Williams said those industries approached the FAA for expedited approvals, the group said.
The FCC took in late ex parte filings by a host of companies and groups commenting on TV incentive auction rules, but posted them with a notice they had come in after last Thursday’s sunshine notice. The FCC is to vote on service and spectrum aggregation rules for the TV incentive auction Thursday at its open meeting. Under FCC rules, FCC officials can call parties to ask questions after the sunshine notice, which otherwise cuts off industry lobbying. U.S. Cellular filed an ex parte notice after a company official spoke Sunday and Monday with Wireless Bureau Chief Roger Sherman at Sherman’s request. The carrier had previously expressed concerns that in some markets it could be barred from buying 600 MHz spectrum because of the low-band spectrum it already holds. U.S. Cellular said it would prefer spectrum aggregation limits to the draft rules circulated for a vote by commissioners (http://bit.ly/RNoLzF). Most of the other ex parte filings were made after the Thursday cutoff but reflected earlier meetings at the agency.
Los Angeles got an extension to May 30 to submit a cost estimate for the reconfiguration of the city’s 800 MHz communications system, under an FCC Public Safety Bureau order (http://bit.ly/1nB2RgC) Monday. L.A.’s Wednesday extension request said the city operates duplicate systems that complicate engineering and cutover planning issues. Extensions were also granted Friday for California’s Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council (http://bit.ly/1iKZkc7) to June 30, and to Orange County (http://bit.ly/RIopKA) to July 14, to submit cost estimates.
Audible safety warnings delivered via a driver’s mobile device would “enact a more widespread and effective behavioral approach initiative” than is currently under consideration in voluntary guidelines for technology meant to allow drivers safe and limited use of mobile devices while a vehicle is in motion, Vesstech Co-Founder Marty Olson said in comments filed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (http://1.usa.gov/1jb1S4I). NHTSA had been collecting recommendations on best practices for its voluntary guidelines. Comments were due at midnight Monday. NHTSA in part wants to recommend targeted media messaging and legislation to modify driver behavior (CD March 13 p11). Audible verbal safety warnings are now possible on cellphones, while similar warnings are possible on other mobile devices through additional technology, Olson said. Verbal warnings played “at the start of the first drive of the day, or other timely moments, will provide a contextual warning to encourage the driver’s attention to the road and the driving task,” he said. The safety warnings should be between five and 10 seconds long and should “use the power of the human voice to convey a sense of urgency related to the potential perils,” Olson said. Vesstech recommends that NHTSA include verbal warnings in its recommendations and that automobile manufacturers and their device partners should immediately begin implementing warnings in their systems. Life Apps Co-Founder Ted Chen told NHTSA it should encourage the use of background apps that would “simply wake up and deter distraction though the use of lock screens and other technology available today.” NHTSA should also create a transition program that would “bridge the gap” between current driver use of mobile devices and desired behavior by encouraging use of these background apps by requiring their installation when a driver renews a driver’s license or car insurance, Chen said (http://1.usa.gov/1omK60h).
Wireless mics are already under increasing pressure to do more with less spectrum, and options under consideration for the devices after the incentive auction don’t fit the sector’s needs, a group representing a broad cross section of wireless mic interests said in an FCC filing. Under the latest development, the FCC is considering a uniform 11 MHz duplex gap in the 600 MHz band, with 4 MHz set aside for wireless mics (CD May 9 p8). “Critical wireless microphone operations cannot be supported in small swaths of spectrum (e.g., 2 MHz or 4 MHz) and where such spectrum abuts adjacent wireless services, the utility of the spectrum will be greatly reduced,” the group said (http://bit.ly/1saYbLN).
The FCC should tighten rather than loosen restrictions on AT&T and Verizon bidding in the incentive auction, the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition said in a filing at the commission, posted by the FCC Friday. “In light of the dramatic expansion of the spectrum screen contemplated by the Commission in the Mobile Spectrum Holdings proceeding, further opening the door to future acquisitions and consolidation by AT&T and Verizon, the current proposal to hold approximately 30 MHz (depending on the amount of spectrum that is reclaimed) in reserve for non-dominant carriers constitutes the bare minimum needed to promote competition,” the group said (http://bit.ly/1sv0HPb). AT&T and Verizon have “launched an all-out attack on even this modest proposal to ensure that competitive carriers have a chance to obtain low-band spectrum,” PISC said, but “have raised no new arguments."
The Department of Justice “has properly withheld” docket information from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures to the American Civil Liberties Union for prosecutions in which the government had obtained cellphone tracking data without a warrant and the defendant had been either acquitted or had the charges dismissed, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled Friday (http://1.usa.gov/1kXq2Lw). The court had said in its original 2011 decision in the case that Justice needed to disclose the docket information to the ACLU in cases in which the defendant was convicted (CD Sept 7/11 p6). The court’s 2011 decision did not touch on whether DOJ needed to also disclose that information when the cases ended in acquittal or dismissal. The court now believes Justice could withhold that information in those cases “given the substantial privacy interest individuals have in controlling information concerning criminal charges for which they were not convicted,” said Judge David Tatel in the majority opinion for the three-judge panel. Judge Janice Rogers Brown dissented, noting in her opinion that “the right to be left alone, once forfeited, is gone for good. An individual who is indicted and tried has no privacy interest that can protect the public record of prosecution from disclosure -- even if the ultimate outcome was acquittal or dismissal.” The ACLU believes the D.C. Circuit erred in its majority opinion, said ACLU of the Nation’s Capital Legal Director Arthur Spitzer, who argued the case. “The idea that someone who’s been publicly indicted in federal court has any real privacy interest in that fact seems unrealistic to us,” he said, noting that docket information in those cases is easily searchable over the Internet.