The FCC Enforcement Bureau sees “genuine issues of material fact&rdquo in Game ShowNetwork’s carriage complaint against Cablevision that should be aired before a judge. In an 11-page submission posted Wednesday in docket 12-122 to FCC Chief Administrative Law Judge Richard Sippel, the bureau said the summary judgment Cablevision seeks is “inappropriate” because there are factual issues to be weighed. Sippel required the response after the bureau said it wouldn't make a filing on whether he should uphold Cablevision's request, angering Sippel (see 1505200069).
Matt Daneman
Matt Daneman, Senior Editor, covers pay TV, cable broadband, satellite, and video issues and the Federal Communications Commission for Communications Daily. He joined Warren Communications in 2015 after more than 15 years at the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, where he covered business among other issues. He also was a correspondent for USA Today. You can follow Daneman on Twitter: @mdaneman
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