The FCC approved rules for how it will handle confidential information in Charter Communications' planned buys of Bright House Networks and Time Warner Cable and in other regulatory proceedings going forward. The agency said Wednesday that the rules on the handling of confidential information had been passed in a 3-2 vote and adopted, but said they would release them later.
The FCC is seeking feedback on 15 negotiation practices and whether they should figure into a "totality of circumstances" test for good faith negotiations. Pay-TV and broadcasters have been filling docket 10-71 in recent weeks with arguments on what should be considered as the FCC follows through on congressional direction in the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act Reauthorization (STELAR) Act that it revisit good faith negotiation rules (see 1508270036).
The seven must-have changes pay TV seeks in retransmission consent rule reforms won't solve all that ails the retrans market, but they will improve it, Dish Network Deputy Counsel Jeffrey Blum told us Tuesday. Numerous multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs) and allies -- including the American Cable Association, Cablevision, CenturyLink, DirecTV, Dish, ITTA, Mediacom, NTCA, Time Warner Cable and USTelecom -- through the American Television Alliance have lined up behind seven specific reforms they're pushing at the FCC. The deadline for the agency to issue an NPRM is Friday. Broadcasters are opposing many retrans changes (see 1508310026).
Market inefficiency and a dearth of local TV content would be likely outcomes if the FCC axes network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules, broadcasters said in filings in docket 10-71. Broadcasters have been resisting Chairman Tom Wheeler's goal of repealing nondupe and syndex rules (see 1508270036).
Communications satellite operators increasingly are struggling to deal with a bottleneck of launch delays after a pair of launch failures earlier this year, said industry officials in interviews last week. Satcom operators "are really struggling to find a place to launch" following launch failures by the SpaceX and International Launch Services that set schedules behind, satellite communications consultant Tim Farrar said. Arianespace, meanwhile, is "doing fine, but they're booked up," he said.
A petition seeking a review of the FCC cable TV effective competition decision faces hurdles to success, said two sometime-critics of the industry. Much like the opposition to the agency's open Internet rule, the order faces a big legal hurdle in trying to convince the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that the way the agency came to that decision was flawed, a communications attorney said. The plaintiffs said they have a strong case.
Broadcasters and the pay-TV industry continued to joust over program exclusivity rules, as blacked-out stations in 39 states in the country's largest retransmission blackout were turned back on Thursday (see 1508260049). The repeal of network nonduplication and syndicated program exclusivity rules is in the crosshairs of Chairman Tom Wheeler, who has called them "outdated" (see 1508180053).
Interim carriage could have been back in FCC consideration as it briefly faced the largest broadcast blackout in history, experts told us. That was averted Wednesday night when the FCC and both companies in a retransmission consent dispute said carriage would resume amid finalization of a new deal. A statement by Chairman Tom Wheeler earlier Wednesday indicated that, along with getting more directly involved in the loggerhead negotiations between Dish Network and Sinclair, the agency also might be willing to go beyond that.
Antiquated FCC regulations hurt the competitive landscape, pay TV and broadcasters agreed in comments on the video competition report, but diverged widely on which of the rules are "outdated" and to blame. The comment deadline in docket 15-158 was Friday, with replies due Sept. 21. Many of the comments involved a pair of matters currently before the FCC -- its possible rulemaking on retransmission consent practices (see 1508140031) and its consideration of stretching the definition of multichannel video programming distributor to incorporate some types of over-the-top (OTT) content providers (see 1506220023)
Satellite and pay-TV companies continue to urge protection of C-band satellite operations from small cell operations now approved to operate in the same part of the 3.5 GHz band. While opportunities for spectrum sharing are increasing, satellite operators need to make sure they can operate in the C-band with sufficient protected access, Rebecca Cowen-Hirsch, Inmarsat senior vice president-government strategy and policy, told us: "It's all about good neighbors and technical compatibility."