Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wasn't forthcoming enough when he testified before Congress in April (see 1804100054 and 1804110065), given new revelations about the platform’s data practices (see 1806040055), lawmakers told us. The testimony “might have been technically correct, but it was not comprehensive," said Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va. "I would hope that they would realize more transparency is better, and that’s not been their approach so far."
NTIA will call a meeting with stakeholders in early July to discuss implementing recommendations in a report to the president on botnets (see 1805300065), said Deputy Associate Administrator Evelyn Remaley Thursday. The next step is to develop a “prioritized road map,” with the purpose of increasing the resiliency of the internet and communications landscape against distributed threats. That's due within 120 days of the report’s approval and will involve coordination among the departments of Commerce and Homeland Security and industry, civil society and international partners.
Application developers interacting with Facebook still have access to friend data if the linked friends have downloaded the same app, Facebook Privacy and Public Policy Director Steve Satterfield said Wednesday. Developer access to friend data is considered one of the major issues that enabled the Cambridge Analytica privacy breach (see 1804100054 and 1804110065). Friend access allegedly allowed Cambridge University researcher Aleksandr Kogan to take user data from 300,000 people and access information from as many as 87 million users.
Officials from the German and Austrian embassies in Washington had contrasting predictions Tuesday for the future of autonomous vehicles in Europe. The German official told an Information Technology and Innovation Foundation event that Americans are more willing to accept a trial-and-error approach for AV deployment.
Facebook, Google and Microsoft support the Federal Election Commission rulemaking to increase online political advertising transparency (see 1805250032 and 1805290037), but the commission should look to recent industry response for guidance, they commented. The commission is considering two proposals that would update online ad disclosure requirements for the first time since 2006.
Data throttling will be a top enforcement priority when FTC jurisdiction over broadband providers is restored June 11, said Consumer Protection Bureau Director Andrew Smith Friday. When the FCC net neutrality order takes effect, the FTC will look to publicly expose “issues with respect to fast-tracking of certain traffic and slowing down to less speed with respect to other traffic,” Smith said at a George Mason University event, citing recent throttling allegations against AT&T.
Online platforms should strive for some degree of uniformity when deciding how to filter malicious content, said Facebook Global Politics and Government Outreach Director Katie Harbath Thursday. “You don’t necessarily want Facebook making one decision, Google making another decision, Twitter making another decision, too,” Harbath said at a Cato Institute event. “These are conversations we have to be having collectively, to be thinking about what are the right ways to be handling this.” Platforms should draw lines in deciding where regulation is the “right answer,” and where companies should self-regulate, she said.
To reduce the global threat of botnets dramatically, it’s vital the tech industry “support and reward” continuous development of innovative security technology, the secretaries of commerce and homeland security told President Donald Trump in a report released Wednesday (see 1801110006). It responded to a May 2017 executive order. The order directed the secretaries to lead a cybersecurity effort with the goal of “dramatically reducing threats perpetrated by automated and distributed attacks.” The agencies hosted two workshops, issued as many requests for comment and published a stakeholder inquiry through the president’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. The agencies consulted DOD, DOJ, the State Department, FBI, FCC and FTC, among other agencies.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., wants more answers from the FBI in a debate about the agency allegedly misleading Congress on encryption back doors (see 1805230027). Though the bureau repeatedly claimed in 2017 it couldn't unlock 7,775 devices, officials recently acknowledged the number is closer to 1,200.
Expect a Senate Judiciary Committee markup on the Music Modernization Act (S-2823) as early as mid-June, with plans of moving forward with the copyright package as originally introduced, despite an alternative bill floated by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., industry observers told us (see 1805230068). Broad support for the original package means the bill should move quickly, bill sponsors said (see 1805110056).