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NTCA, FBA, ACA Urge NTIA to 'Stand Its Ground' on BEAD's Fiber Priority

NTCA, the Fiber Broadband Association and ACA Connects urged NTIA to continue prioritizing fiber deployment projects in the broadband, equity, access and deployment program. "Some are now calling upon NTIA to back away from this conclusion by rejecting or weakening…

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initial proposals submitted by some states and territories that are consistent with this vision," the groups said in a letter Friday: "We urge NTIA to stand its ground." The groups argued that Congress envisioned a priority on fiber when it included "priority broadband projects" in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. "Abandoning these goals would not only flout the law but would disserve the public interest, relegating generations to less-capable broadband access," they said. In a tweet disagreeing with what Congress intended, the Wireless ISP Association said BEAD "will not reach 'Internet for All' with such a limiting framework." WISPA said "all choices must be on the table."