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SpaceX Increasingly Dominating World Launch Market: NSS

SpaceX's accomplishments in 2023 are "what increasing domination of the world launch market looks like," the National Space Society blogged Monday. Those accomplishments include 96 Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy flights versus 61 in 2022, increasing flight cadence with 10…

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launches in November, and 1,985 Starlink satellites launched on 63 flights, NSS said. 2023 saw a total of 107 U.S. launches, with SpaceX responsible for 92% of them, up from 78% in 2022, it said. By comparison, China launched 62 times in 2023, NSS said. The society said SpaceX's rideshare launches have "taken a big bite out of the small launch providers" market. United Launch Alliance's Vulcan, Blue Origin's New Glenn and ArianeGroup's Ariane-6, once flying regularly, will likely influence SpaceX's launch manifest, yet Falcon 9 launches will continue to show steadily increasing metrics for another year or two, the report predicts. SpaceX's 2024 manifest "is stuffed," with 144 launches projected, the society said.