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Carriers Pledge Smooth MCI Migration in Calif.

Verizon's MCI and AT&T "are working together to ensure a transparent, efficient, and seamless transition for MCI’s customers” in California, the carriers said in a joint brief Thursday before the California Public Utilities Commission. “No additional measures need to be…

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adopted." MCI applied Oct. 2 to discontinue LEC “service and related bundled offerings of local and interexchange voice services to residential and small business customers” across the state (see 2311090046). It would transfer customers to AT&T or a different provider that the customer chooses. MCI meets California requirements for discontinuing local exchange service, the carriers said. The Utility Reform Network seeks to work "with other parties to ensure that all MCI customers receive meaningful advance notice of the migration and information about their telephone service options,” TURN said in another brief (docket A.23-10-002). The CPUC plans a virtual status conference Jan. 8 on the MCI application, Administrative Law Judge Seaneen Wilson said Friday. In a separate proceeding Thursday, the CPUC scheduled a Feb. 9 virtual prehearing conference on possible updates to the state’s deaf and disabled telecommunications program (docket R.23-11-001).