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T-Mobile Withdraws Objection to MatrixSpace Waiver Request

T-Mobile withdrew a petition asking the FCC to deny MatrixSpace's petition for waiver of the U.S. table of frequency allocations and the commission’s Part 87 rules for radars mounted on drones that could provide radionavigation or radiolocation in the 24.45-24.65…

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GHz band (see 2307270026). T-Mobile said it’s dropping its complaint after MatrixSpace agreed to abide by the same restrictions as Echodyne (see 1906130051). “Predictive modeling cannot rule out the possibility that MatrixSpace’s proposed DopplerSpace MS01100 radar operations will cause harmful interference to primary users in the future, particularly to licensees like T-Mobile in the immediately adjacent band at 24.45 GHz,” said a filing Wednesday in docket 23-216. “Based on T-Mobile’s calculations, MatrixSpace’s operations are capable of causing harmful interference to T-Mobile customers in certain deployment scenarios,” T-Mobile said: “Notwithstanding these concerns, T-Mobile believes it can manage the interference risk that MatrixSpace’s operations will create based on the company’s commitments submitted on the record in this proceeding.”