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AT&T: Not Seeking Total COLR Relief Yet in Calif.

AT&T isn’t seeking total relief from California carrier of last resort (COLR) obligations “at this time,” the carrier said in an amended application Wednesday at the California Public Utilities Commission. “For the few customers who currently lack an alternative to…

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AT&T California’s basic voice service," it "would continue offering voice service on the same terms as before until an alternative becomes available.” COLR requirements are outdated, AT&T said in docket A.23-03-003. “Like Blockbuster rentals and Kodak film, [plain old telephone service] has fallen from technological primacy to effective obsolescence in the course of a generation.” A CPUC administrative law judge required AT&T to amend its April application due to “substantial incompleteness,” including failing to specify where it wanted relief (see 2305030051).