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January 29, 2015 | News, Press Releases

New Trade Report Highlights Role Of The Internet As A Platform For Global Trade

BECKERMAN: “It is time U.S. trade policy reflects the integral role that digital trade and the Internet plays in our modern economy.”


Washington, D.C. — Today, the Internet Association released a report highlighting the importance of the Internet economy to global trade, and brought three small business owners to Capitol Hill to illustrate the importance of including digital trade provisions in future trade legislation. Emphasizing that the United States is a net exporter of Internet services and products, the Internet Association’s newest policy paper focuses on the experiences of Internet-enabled small businesses competing in today’s global economy.

“The Internet industry calls on Congress to pass trade legislation that recognizes the importance of Internet-enabled trade,” said Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of the Internet Association. “When the last TPA bill was passed in 2002, some of the most well known Internet companies had either just come into existence or did not exist as all. It is time U.S. trade policy reflects the integral role that digital trade and the Internet plays in our modern economy.”

With over three billion users, the Internet is integrated into every aspect of global commerce and communications, accounting for 21 percent of worldwide GDP growth in advanced economies. Internet platforms level the playing field for small and medium sized businesses, are proven drivers of economic growth, and allow users to transcend borders and cultures to reach new customers.

In the U.S. alone, American Internet companies and their global community of users contribute over $141 billion in annual revenue to the overall U.S. GDP, simultaneously employing 6.6 million people. In order to further encourage consumer-oriented online commerce and economic growth, the report emphasizes the need for policies that foster digital trade and enable businesses of all sizes to reach consumers across the globe.

The full report can be viewed here.


Virtuous Circle: Fireside Chat with Barry Diller, Chairman & Senior Executive, IAC & Expedia

Julia Boorstin from CNBC talks with Barry Diller, Chairman & Senior Executive at IAC & Expedia about traditional video distribution, bundles, AI, short term rentals, and more during this Virtuous Circle Fireside Chat. 0:36 – Biggest challenges facing Internet Association member companies 4:04 – How Barry Diller entered the internet space 6:40 – Vimeo and Read more »

Statement On Confirmation Of Wilbur Ross As Secretary Of Commerce

Washington, DC – Internet Association President and CEO Michael Beckerman released the following statement on the confirmation of Wilbur Ross as the Secretary of Commerce: “The internet industry applauds the confirmation of Secretary Ross to lead the Department of Commerce, and supports his enthusiasm towards creating a policy environment that fosters American job growth. The Read more »

New Poll Shows Three Quarters of New Yorkers Support Bringing Ridesharing Services to the Entire State

OLSEN: “Albany must listen to the voices echoing from throughout the state that demand ridesharing and pass legislation that allows transportation network companies to operate in New York.”   ALBANY, NY – The Siena poll released today shows that 76 percent of New Yorkers support allowing ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft to operate in Read more »

Latest News

Julia Boorstin from CNBC talks with Barry Diller, Chairman & Senior Executive at IAC & Expedia about traditional video distribution, bundles, AI, short term rentals, and more during this Virtuous Circle Fireside Chat. 0:36 – Biggest challenges facing Internet Association member companies 4:04 – How Barry Diller entered the internet space 6:40 – Vimeo and Read more »

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