The authoritative news source for communications regulation

Biography for Debra Rubin

Debra Rubin, News Editor, is a longtime editor and reporter. She has worked in both general and ethnic media, having spent most of her career in the Jewish press. Rubin has been editing at Warren Communications News since 2013.

Recent Articles by Debra Rubin

Employers and students gave high marks to FCBA’s new diversity pipeline program. The program offers first-year law students a tech, media and telecom (TMT) law and policy certificate and matches them with employers for internship programs. This summer, it placed 19 students into paid internships with eight law firms, five companies, four trade associations and one nonprofit advocacy group-law firm partnership. FCBA members Rudy Brioche and Celia Lewis initiated the project. Participants said they hope FCBA will place more interns in the future.Read More >>

Among associations that deal with telecom and whose website home and About pages we checked for accessibility, the average scores were in the 80s out of 100. The highest score was 100, the lowest 63. Communications Daily used two trackers, and Google’s Lighthouse extension, to review the sites of some 30 associations. Experts said in interviews that manual checks are more accurate, and results show some accessibility problems.Read More >>

Fighting digital disinformation and its potential to affect the 2020 elections requires lawmakers, academia, think tanks, the public, civic society and digital platforms, said speakers Tuesday. They noted tensions between battling disinformation and jeopardizing free speech. The Federal Election Commission organized the event with PEN America and the Global Digital Policy Incubator at Stanford University’s Cyber Policy Center.Read More >>

Broaden the definition of healthcare providers, allow funding for remote monitoring and medical body area network devices (MBAN), and make the program available in a wide geographic area. Those are among recommendations for the FCC pilot USF pilot to support connected care for the poor and veterans. Comments posted through Friday docket 18-213 for the three-year, $100 million program (see 1907100073). Read More >>